Feng Shui Reading Taken (the danger that lies behind)
close friend recommended my service to Mr and Mrs
A (a young couple) believing I could help them.
Mr and Mrs A stayed at their new home for 2 years.
Apparently, they engaged the service of a feng shui
master who helped select and recommended their house
as a prosperous house that would bring them wealth
and prosperity. But things don't seem to be the
way, life wasn't smooth and Mrs A often falls sick.
They longed for a baby and after trying for long,
Mrs A at last got pregnant but sadly lost the baby
through a miscarriage. Mr A since became very hot
tempered and in fact, when my friend suggested him
to seek feng shui advise, he flared up. My friend
managed to calm him down and convinced him to seek
a second opinion from a trusted close friend (me).
I met up with Mr and Mrs A. Mr A showed me the nicely
done up feng shui assessment report of his house,
"See, it is written here that this house receives
good prosperous qi that brings wealth?!" The report
states so and it was especially highlighted that
the main door receives prosperous qi that generates
wealth. But if that was the case, things definitely
wouldn't turn out this bad for Mr and Mrs A. "Let
me take measurement and have a look first," I calmed
Mr A down.
taken the reading and assessed the house, I told
Mr and Mrs A bluntly, "Yeap, you can throw away
this report". I was surprised that the House's reading
was wrongly taken and many critical areas were also
out of place (since the house was selected and done
up by a professional feng shui counterpart).
- House's
Facing Direction was wrongly captured i.e. Main
door in actual is receiving negative Qi flow
Northwest Sector of the House falls into Toilet
area, and in fact portion of the Northwest Sector
is missing
The whole Northeast Sector is almost missing
Southwest Sector was reported as the Wealth Sector,
a water feature and many indoor plants (both real
and artificial) were set in
The God altar was set at a wrong position
For those of you who have feng shui knowledge, you
should have picked up the hints what went wrong
when I mention Northwest, Northeast and Southwest
key problem lies with your Southwest Sector, Southwest
is absolutely not the wealth corner as what mentioned
in your feng shui report". I told Mr and Mrs A.
"You have to remove away the water feature and the
green plants immediately". Period 8 (year 2004 -
2023), Water Direction is at Southwest. Most practitioners
would regard seeing water in Southwest as favorable
and good for wealth. But then again, this wouldn't
always be the case. Water features and sensitive
objects when wrongly placed into Southwest could
invite harms, impacting especially the lady owner
of the house. The God altar was also wrongly placed.
Feng Shui is never about religion but still there
are principles to follow when worshipping activity
is involved i.e. how can the gods bless and protect
you when they are not properly settled in.
After rearranging the house's layout with especially
Southwest, Northwest and Northeast sectors remedied,
Mrs A see good improvement in her health. Mr A though
didn't see great elevation at work, he is pleased
and happy with things turning smooth for him. The
joyous part, Mrs A got pregnant with a healthy baby
boy (I was later asked to help choose an auspicious
name for him).
A feng shui report can be nicely and professionally
done up but what that ultimately matters is the
outcome. Wrong reading taken is a grave mistake
intolerable in the practice of feng shui that could
lead to undesirable harms (to help or to harm, that
can be just between a thin line).